
Ferrous sulphate

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Ferrous sulphate

Ferrous sulphate monohydrate (FeSO4.H2O):

Ferrous sulphate monohydrate-manufactured by dry method technical process with perfect mobility of powder and granularapplicable to premixed feed, flocculant for water treatment and removing phosphates from civic and industrial wastewater to avoid eutrophication. Lots of ferrous sulphate are also used to reduce chromates (Cr3 +/Cr6 +) from cement. And kill mosses in garden industries.

CNAME:Ferric sulphate (II) Ferrofallidite

Formula structure:FeSO4·H2O

CAS code: 7720-78-7 (anhydrous) | 17375-41-6 (monohydrate)

Physico-chemical specification:





Light gray powder

Light gray granular

Particle size

95% pass mesh 60

Mesh 6-14, 12-24, 24-60

Content (FeSO4·H2O)

≥ 91.0%

≥ 91.0%


≥ 30.0%

≥ 30.0%


≤ 20ppm

≤ 20ppm

Cadmium (Cd)

≤ 10ppm

≤ 10ppm


≤ 2ppm

≤ 2ppm



- 25kg P.P. bags with inner film or kraft paper bags;1000kg,1250kg or 1350kg flexibags


It has many kinds of hydrate, some reserve in nature.

·FeSO4·H2O (Ferrofallidite)

·FeSO4· 4H2O

·FeSO4· 5H2O(Fibroferrite)

·FeSO4· 7H2O(Green vitriol)

When 90°C, FeSO4· 7H2O become FeSO4·H2O be dehydration.


It is the byproducts of iron and steel are wash in sulphuric acid before electroplating or painting.Fe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2

Alternative ferrous sulphate can also be get from oxidation of pyrite or from reaction of iron and sulphuric acid.



It is applicable to premixed feed, flocculant for water treatment and removing phosphates from civic and industrial wastewater to avoid eutrophication. Lots of ferrous sulphate are also used to reduce chromates (Cr3 +/Cr6 +) from cement. And kill mosses in garden industries.


It can be used in treatment of anemia due to lacking iron and can be added in food.


·It is necessary in production of iron gall inks and wood mordant dyeing.

·In the production of Chinese blue, leucoindigo is gotten from insoluble indo-blue dyeing printed on clothes further reduced by ferrous sulphate.

·It can also make the color of concrete to yellow rust-colored.

·Carpenters usually get the silver color of maple painting by ferrous sulphate.