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L-Arginine (L-1-Amino-4-guanidovaleric acid)
It isnon-essential amino acids for adults it is slow to compose in body. It is essential amino acids infants and young children. It has some function detoxification.
Natural products are abundant in protamine, etc.
Itis also an essential component of various proteins, so there is very extensive.
Molecular formula: C6H14N4O2
Molecular Weight: 174.20
White orthorhombic (dihydrate) crystals or white crystalline powder, melting point244 (decomposition). Recrystallized product lost its water 105,solution
is strongly alkaline, can absorbed carbon dioxidefrom airdissolved in water (15%,21), insoluble in ether, slightly soluble in ethanol.
Nutritional supplements.:Arginine
ornithine cycle is an integral component an extremely important physiological functions. Arginine can increase liver (arginase) activity that helps in the blood ammonia urea and excreted, so for hyperammonemia, liver dysfunction it has a better therapeutic effect.
L-arginine is the major component the sperm protein, promote sperm quality, the role of energy to improve sperm motility.
Arginine can improve immunity boost the immune system natural killer cells secrete, phagocytic cells, white blood cells ene hormone (interleukin-1) and other endogenous substances, help fight cancer and prevention viral infection. In addition, arginine ornithine (L-ornithine) and proline (L-proline) precursors, proline constitutes an important element of collagen, arginine supplementation for severe trauma burns and other needs the rehabilitation a large number tissue repair, significant help, but also has the effect reducing infection and inflammation.
is helpfulthe symptoms of dysuria and nephropathy caused by kidneypressure. But maybe it also become burdendialysis patients. So it must be directed by doctors for these patients.