
L-Lysine feed grade

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L-Lysine feed grade

L-Lysine is one of the important components of protein. It is one of eight kinds of amino acid which is necessary but cannot be synthesized by human body. It is a good food fortifier. Because it is lack in food so it is also called the most essential amino acid. It can enhance the use ratio of protein when it is added to beverage, rice, flour, canned food, thus greatly improved food nutrition, promote growth, increase appetite, reducing disease, improving physique. It also has the function of deodorization and retaining freshness when used in cans.

In medicine it can also be used to produce amino acid compound injection. The effect is better than hydrolyzing protein on side-effect. It can also be used to produce nutritional supplement with many kinds of vitamin and glucose because it can be absorbed easily. It can also improve the effects of many drugs.

L-Lysine feed grade is a kind of very important feed additives.